❗Migration to CNAME

Making custom domains and SSL easier than ever before

We heard you loud and clear on the pain you face to enable SSL. We've simplified the approach and we are damn proud to have made it happen quickly.

Currently, as a store owner connecting the custom domain, the process is achieved by adding an A record pointing to

The new entry will look like this (CNAME) and that's basically it. See below:

For Store Owners / Sellers

demo.onwhats.app - Here demo is the shopname which you may have entered in the profile page in the settings tab, this now becomes your subdomain with a preceding owa- to be mapped to as a CNAME; in this example, CNAME target will be owa-demo.onwhats.app

  • If the shopname contains dot (.) e.g. shop.us then your subdomain will be owa-shop-us.onwhats.app

  • If the shopname contains slash (/) e.g. /shopus then your subdomain will be owa-shopus.onwhats.app

Last updated